Emanuele Camerini

Corporate / Italian Budget Policy > Financial Times
View over Piazza Vanvitelli from Caserta's Town hall.

FT - Italian budget policy /View over Piazza Vanvitelli from Caserta's Town hall. 

Marcianise (Caserta). Clemente Cibelli, 52 years old. Former worker in a electrical appliance factory in Marcianise area. He lost his job in 2012 and since then he struggles to find a new occupation.

FT - Italian budget policy / Marcianise (Caserta). Clemente Cibelli, 52 years old. Former worker in a electrical appliance factory in Marcianise area. He lost his job in 2012 and since then he struggles to find a new occupation.

Detail of city council chamber in Caserta Town Hall.

FT - Italian budget policy / Detail of city council chamber in Caserta Town Hall.

Luca Iuliano, 18 years old. Former class president in the same high school attended by Luigi Di Maio. As he delcares, he doesn't trust Di Maio's policies and he's afraid of Five star movement lack of expertise.

FT - Italian budget policy / Luca Iuliano, 18 years old. Former class president in the same high school attended by Luigi Di Maio. As he delcares, he doesn't trust Di Maio's policies and he's afraid of Five star movement lack of expertise.

Piazza del Mercato in Pomigliano d'Arco (Naples).

FT - Italian budget policy / Piazza del Mercato in Pomigliano d'Arco (Naples).

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